
Public Administrations


Public Administrations_

The public administration has been the most dynamic sector of recent years on its road toward the adaptation of its administrative processes through digitalization and technological restructuring.

The generalized implementation of the electronic invoice since 2015 and its specific derivatives with the single electronic registry for contractors and subcontractors, as well as the implementation of the SII (Immediate Supply of Information) for the electronic declaration of VAT in Spain, has made this sector into one of the most active of the territory.

Today, all the Spanish public administrations receive their invoices in Facturae format through the General Electronic Invoice Entry Points (PGEF) of the different administrations of the territory, whether local such as regional or state.

At the same time, the European public administrations are in the process of implementing the European Electronic Invoice in their headquarters. Each country follows their own implementation process. The forecast is that, in mid-2021, the European Electronic Invoice will be consolidated throughout the continent.

Some clients of the Public Administration sector

In eDiversa Group, there is a solution for you.

eDiversa Group, with its solutions adapted to any size or type of company, offer services in Electronic Invoice, SII and EDI especially focused on solving the specific needs of all types of clients.

eDiversa Group, always in constant evolution, adapts to the new regulations, both Spanish and European.